After receiving your return, please allow up to 14 days to process your returned item(s) and make a refund.
We always aim to be faster, but please remember that it takes time to pick up your return from the post, open and inspect it for quality, and proceed with the refund.
It may take up to a week for the refund to appear in your account. Once the refund is sent to process - you will get an email with the notification.
β Orders returned that received free shipping would receive a refund or credit minus the shipping fee,
β Returns from non-EU countries will receive a refund or credit for the returned goods minus the customs duties and import fees.
β Orders returned that received a discount based on the total order amount would receive the refund based on discount recalculation.
β Please note the initial and return shipping fees are not refunded.
β Refunds will only be issued to the original form of payment, to the original payer’s account, and under the original payer’s name.
β Orders paid with a gift card may only be returned for a store credit.
β Gift cards are not refunded nor exchanged for cash.
β Orders from a country outside the EU that were paid using the gift card can not be returned.
β Non-returnable items returned are not refunded, but they can be returned to a buyer if the buyer pays the shipping expenses.
Check the RETURNS section for more information.