
I can't provide a local phone number for the delivery. What to do?

Receiving an order when the phone number is not provided
Parašė Hellena
Atnaujinta prieš 0 metų

I do not have a local phone number. Can you please use my home country's phone number?

We must add a valid local number with the delivery country code when shipping orders. 

Please note that couriers can only call local phone numbers. If the phone is foreign, the courier company is charged for international calls/SMS, and they usually won't contact you about the delivery.

Please try to provide the local phone number when placing the order. If local phone numbers are unavailable, we can't guarantee smooth delivery.

Can I still place an order if I don't have a local phone number?

Yes, make sure you check your email and tracking link daily and that you are available at the delivery address for the whole day on the delivery date.

What to do if I can't provide a local phone number?

If you don't have a local phone number, please read the instruction and follow these steps when placing the order at Fantasmagoria.

How to place an order without the phone number:

  1. When checking out, write your billing address as a first address, use your home address, and write your local phone number.
  2. Click on "Ship to a different address."
  3. Fill in the address where you want to receive your order.
  4. Write 0000000 in the phone number field.
  5. Check your email daily for the notification that your order has been shipped.
  6. Check the tracking link daily to ensure you are available at the address on the day of delivery.
  7. If you miss the courier during the delivery - call the courier service and arrange the pickup. To contact the courier's customer service line - follow the tracking link and find the contacts on the tracking page.

Example of when such a situation can happen:

You are from Switzerland, and your phone number is Swiss.
But you are now in Germany and placed an order with delivery to Germany.
To ship your order and for a smooth, guaranteed delivery, we need you to provide a German phone number (starting with +49) during the checkout.
It can be your friend's or colleague's number - it is needed in rare cases when the courier needs to contact you about the delivery or send you an SMS informing you of the delivery.
If you don't have a German phone number, follow the steps written in the instruction "how to place the order without a phone number" written above.

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